Why 180?

It’s the average number of school days in a school year at a public school. And that means, for many moms, the number of lunches she’ll be packing. Boo. Hiss. Moan. Groan. I know—I feel your pain. Add to that the need (if you’re like me, it’s more of a compulsion) to prepare a lunch that’s both healthy and tasty. Plus, most kids like to open their lunchbox to find a meal that looks yummy. After all, kids eat with their eyes. Come Friday morning, packing a simple lunch often feels like such a weighty task that most moms would rather make a mimosa for themselves than a nutritious meal for their little one.

For the 2011-2012 school year, I’m challenging myself to come up with 108 different lunch ideas. Do the math and that’s three lunches a week.

My hope is that this blog will provide you with plenty of creative, healthful lunch recipes and ideas, and inspire you to come up with some of your own. I can’t promise that your kids will like what you find here, but you will get variety. On harried days, that might mean a prepared meal from the frozen section of your local supermarket. But believe it or not, it’s possible to find some frozen entrees that are delicious and somewhat healthy. I’d love to see 180 become a forum where moms can share lunch ideas that work—and on some days even vent about how our kids are seemingly refusing every food we’re serving. Together, we can take the drudgery out of packing brown bags.

At the least, maybe you’ll be amused by my daily suffering.

8 Comments to “Why 180?”

  1. You are so creative, Cal! I’m very impressed with your culinary, writing, and photography skills! Very inspiring! (Because yes, I hate packing lunches every day!).

  2. I am SO impressed! You have given me some fresh ideas for lunches and dinners! Say bye bye to blah!

  3. Hi! I’m one of Peter’s friends in Atlanta, who sent around a hyperlink to this blog. This is great! I struggle with feeding my kids well too. I now have a roster of weekly vegetables that I make – and amazingly, my family eats. I make a simple broccoli rabe with sesame oil and sesame seeds, roasted brussels sprouts and curry cauliflower and roasted carrots. I work full time, so I make these on the weekend and serve them all during the week with everything.
    Best of luck! Angela

    • Hi, Angela. Thanks for stopping by to check out my blog. What a great idea to make all the vegetables on the weekend and have them ready to go for dinner. I’ll have to try curry cauliflower. We usually just roast cauliflower with salt and olive oil, but adding curry would be a great way to add flavor and get a little curcumin into the little ones. Thanks!

  4. Cal! I LOVE your blog! I had no idea you were a triple threat….no, not singing, acting and dancing (WAIT, unless you’ve hidden that from me too!), but cooking, writing and photography. You’re so multi-talented! Thanks for the inspiration and the step-by-step to make Chinese Tea Eggs. We’ll definitely use this to have some fun in the kitchen…and maybe check off Science or Math (measurements?) while we’re at it. Happy blogging to you!
    Love, D

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